mardi 18 octobre 2011

Love's Hell

I want to be another
whoever believes in him
It is better to believe that thinking
It is better to lie than betray
The truth will emerge one day, where everyone thinks to be the one who believes in the love of the other
the poison of love is in us, we are the only ones to control it
if only the happiness of being himself was enough am
So cry, throw all the bitterness of your heart.
Crossed your limit

believe in me, otherwise you will go to hell
the sun in your eyes I'm dreaming of our future days.
All roads lead me to you ...
Never love is a crime
I think, I dream.

I got lost in my thoughts
when I saw you.
The day has come to tell us that life is worth to be lived
Now, I'm afraid of losing you
I know ...
This is not the end
I is not a heart of stone
but just afraid that everything is just a simple illusion

no matter the time, no matter the wind
your absence is better than your indifference.

There is no end , there was just renewal .

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